The Spirit of Tasmania has Pet Cages in the main Car area. There are 3 size cages - really large dogs (Danes, St. Bernards etc) need their own vet approved cages be supplied. Cats can travel in the smaller cages just as well as Dogs! The cages are clean and have water provided. The Security Staff check the animals 3 times each passage. It's best if you fast your pet for 24 hours before traveling and give dogs a good walk a couple of hours before you board - no yicky poos that way! You might also want to bring a Cushion for them to lie on as the cage floor is metal and it can get a bit cold. Once the voyage starts you can't check your pet as the garage is sealed for security reasons. Rest assured they're checked regularly!
You must treat the pet for Hydatid Tapeworm and take evidence (ie empty pack, vet letter) with you as Tassie is Hydatid Free and they want to keep it that way!
If your pet is an anxious traveller you might want to check with your Vet - they may recommend a light sedative. Naturopathic Vets may also recommend some drops you give for the week before traveling. We did this with Diesel the first time and he was a happy boy!
With your pet safely housed in the cage, enjoy the passage! The trip is 9 hours and very comfortable. You can sit up (the seats are MUCH better than a coach or train) or take a cabin. When you arrive in Devenport you'll go through quarantine so don't try to take fruit & veggies - they'll be confiscated!
Can you go and visit them during the trip?
Is there the same entrance with taking animal ?
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